Plan a Visit

We would love for you to visit us! Every Sunday we gather together as a community of friends and family to worship Jesus. If you cannot make it to a service, plan to worship with us online. 

If you have any questions or need to talk to a pastor, please contact us.

Be our guest

We are so glad you have found your way to the website of Cheraw First Baptist.  Our website is a wonderful way for you to learn about our church but nothing can replace experiencing our church in person. We want to extend an invitation for you to visit us this Sunday.

What to Wear

Most of our members and attendees dress casually. You will see anything from shorts, jeans, dresses, to business casual. Be relaxed or dress up - we'll be happy to see you!

When We Meet

Small Groups meet at 9:00am in various locations across our campus. Arrive early for coffee and community in the Welcome Center and one of our Greeters can escort you to a class. Worship begins at 10:00am. 

Where to Park

We worship in our Family Life Center (FLC), located directly behind the sanctuary on Greene Street. Parking is to the rear of the FLC or across the street in overflow parking.