Cheraw Women

Our Women's Ministry is committed to serving the women of our church by providing opportunities for ladies to be rooted in God's Word through Bible study and retreats, to serve in various mission projects, as well as to be in relationship with another for fun, encouragment, and mutual accountability. 

Ladies bible Study

Mondays at 6:30


March 10th

Women of joy conference



Cost: $175

See Aleisha for more information.

Cheraw men

Our men's ministry seeks to promote and facilitate men discipling and mentoring other men in our relationships with God, our families, and the church. Various opportunities are held throughout the year to help us grow with each other both spiritually and relationally.

Our Seniors are vip's!

The Senior Adult ministry is designed for adults over 55+. We believe in an active senior adult community in our church that is full of life and seeks to serve the Lord. We would love to have you join us in one of our small groups, VIP fellowships, and other events and trips we take throughout the year.